Calling All Men!!!
If you’re interested (or your partner would like you to be… in a better mood, more patient, stronger body, better bedroom time and overall more energy keep reading.
There is so much pressure on men to be strong, provide for their families and never show any emotions because the perception is that emotion is a weakness. Feels like you face the journey alone or with limited support. You find yourself with more aches, pains and a level of irritation with work, loved ones and often even the guy looking back at you in the mirror.
This practice allows your body to adjust from the inside out, BCST is a gentle therapy focusing on the health in the system – yes no matter where we are starting from we have health in the body! We can adjust without having to talk it out. Your body just needs some encouragement and time to self repair. It is easy to focus on what isn’t working. It seems to be our societal way but BCST can help you reconnect to the health and vitality within.
After a series of treatments many clients notice an improvement in their symptoms such as:
- A reduction in pain
- Improved sleep and digestion
- Feeling calmer and more relaxed
- Coping better with stressful situations
- Improved body awareness and function
- Feeling more connected and aware
- A renewed sense of direction and purpose
- Greater vitality and sense of wellbeing
- Better sex
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